Monday, February 19, 2024

The Overhyped Storm That Whiffed


This past Monday I took advantage of relatively pleasant conditions to sneak in a paddle on the eve of a much ballyhooed snowstorm.  The storm had been in the news for the previous four days, and in my opinion had cast a pall over these otherwise beautiful mid-February days.  Instead of enjoying the decent weather at hand many folks were busy getting ice-melt, snow shovels, bread, and milk.   

So as I paddled the Assabet River up to Damonmill in West Concord, MA I wondered how drastically different things would look under a foot of snow...

Trash was light (perhaps in hiding from the snow)...

By the way, the big storm did arrive on Tuesday and left a whopping 1.5" of wet snow in my area.  My hope is that meteorologists will, in the future, focus more on the weather at hand rather than on the possibility of a storm four days out (end of my rant).  Oh, and just to be clear, I never mind a missed snowstorm, especially this close to the start of meteorological spring. 

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