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14’0″ TR-T

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14’0″ TR-T - _14-14trtamud-1402076544
14’0″ TR-T - _14-14trtamuda-1402076544
14’0″ TR-T - _14-14trtamud1a-1402076544
14’0″ TR-T - _14-14trtamud1-1402076544
14’0″ TR-T - 14162_14-14trtamudcons-1402076607

Short Facts


59-505 Akanoho Place
HI 96712

Phone: +1-808-781-6858

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

427 cms / 14'0.1"
75 cms / 29.5"
18 cms / 7.1"
15.2 kg / 34 lbs
304 ltr / 80.3 gal
Although a 14 foot board is the proper size for bigger paddlers, until now the only options were narrow, tippy, dedicated race boards. But racers are not the only paddlers who enjoy the feel of slicing through the water and gliding forward with minimal effort. This is one of the essential joys of SUP, and one to be enjoyed by anyone. The exciting new Amundson 14’0” TR-T builds upon the relatively stable 14’0” TR-X and expands it to 29.5 inches wide so that even entry-level paddlers can be up and cruising with confidence. This board is designed for larger paddlers, or for any performance-oriented paddler who values the attributes of a racing board but prefers a more stable and floatier design. A complete set of inserts at the nose and tail offer plenty of gear capacity for extended touring or expedition use.
Amundson 14′ 0″ TR-T Features

• Rhino-Lite™ Technology
Construction technology uses high pressure and high temperature molds to create a composite construction that has the best combination of weight, durability, and value available on the market.

• EVA Deck Pad
Every Amundson board comes complete with a 3mm EVA deck pad professionally installed at the factory.

• Handle
Every Amundson board comes complete with a heavy duty molded handle for convenient transport.

• Sealed Insert
Completely sealed 8mm threaded stainless steel insert allows for the use of standard stud for sail option.

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