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Playak Flows

Welcome to Playak Flows, where you can find flows from all over the world, wave heights, water levels and more. Click on a region below to get a list of locations covered within that region. If you can't find your region and want me to add it, please contact me.

Region#GaugesLast update
DE, Bavaria775Feb 16 2022
DE, BW330Feb 19
Switzerland236Feb 19
US, AK292Feb 16
US, AL252Feb 19
US, AR300Feb 19
US, AZ445Feb 18
US, CA770Feb 19
US, CO793Feb 19
US, CT132Feb 19
US, DC9Feb 19
US, DE60Feb 19
US, FL1091Feb 19
US, GA449Feb 19
US, HI277Feb 14
US, IA319Feb 16
US, ID472Feb 19
US, IL458Feb 19
US, IN457Feb 19
US, KS288Feb 19
US, KY414Feb 19
US, LA389Feb 19
US, MA357Feb 19
US, MD280Feb 19
US, ME147Feb 19
US, MI451Feb 19
US, MN369Feb 19
US, MO450Feb 19
US, MS239Feb 19
US, MT385Mar 31
US, NC558Feb 19
US, ND201Feb 19
US, NE314Feb 19
US, NH110Feb 19
US, NJ368Feb 19
US, NM719Feb 15
US, NV522Feb 19
US, NY635Feb 19
US, OH486Feb 19
US, OK419Feb 19
US, OR690Feb 19
US, PA589Feb 19
US, PR247Feb 19
US, RI31Feb 19
US, SC438Feb 19
US, SD266Feb 17
US, TN269Feb 19
US, TX1178Feb 18
US, UT325Feb 16
US, VA404Feb 19
US, VT36Feb 19
US, WA591Feb 19
US, WI527Apr 16
US, WV193Feb 19
US, WY270Feb 18

If you want to include your local flows in the Playak Flows Database, please contact Jeroen by using the contact form from the top menu (under Playak). Please send me all relevant details, most important is that I know where I can collect the realtime flows from the Internet.

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