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14′ X 27" Race Zebra Series

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14′ X 27" Race Zebra Series

Short Facts


33011 Calle Aviador, Suite E
San Juan Capistrano

Phone: +1 949 293 0380

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Corran Addison
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

427 cms / 14'0"
68.6 cms / 27"
17.8 cms / 7"
271 ltr / 71.6 gal
BruSurf is please to introduce our new Race Series, offered in both 14’ and 12’6” in widths ranging from 24” to 30”, enabling all paddlers to get out and compete. These boards were designed on Shape 3-D by Corran Addison taking into account speed, glide and stability between strokes. The nose is designed to efficiently displace water while maintaining a steady plane during the final sprints. The 7” height provides stability in choppy waters. Check out the complete range to find your perfect board whether you are paddling on a lake or open ocean BruRace is for you

Features :

• Epoxy vacuum bag construction
• EVA Deckpad with extra large kickpad
• Gortex Breather valve
• Bungee cords

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