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Madeiro Pro 7'9"

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Madeiro Pro 7'9"

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

236 cms / 7'9"
71.1 cms / 28"
6.8 kg / 15 lbs
90 ltr / 23.8 gal
Lighting fast accelerations, maximum carving, tight turns off the lip and re-entry… The MADEIRO boards are exceptionally lively under your feet to get the most out of every wave. These are the boards of our pro-team and are developed by our best riders.
Fast and easy to get moving when paddling, the take-off is super quick with instant acceleration down to the bottom turn with a very intuitive carving. These boards offer a perfect longitudinal balance so that you can really focus on the wave instead of worrying with the board.

No need to force or move your feet around to turn the board: everything is natural. It becomes easier to follow the progression of the wave and carve your lines.

The smaller sizes (< 8’0”) are genuine high performance surf boards, very well balanced and especially responsive to perform the most explosive surf.


The PRO CARBON construction is built from layers of glass, bamboo and some bi-axial carbon fabrics. The bottom features an HD foam sandwich with glass layers and some bi-axial carbon fabrics. The brushed carbon finish ensures the weight remains minimal.

This construction brings an impressive resistance combined with absolute light weight. These boards feature an amazing strength to weight ratio and remain amongst the highest performing and lightest boards on the market.

Featured on all the 2016 SUP range:

The innovative and multifunction handle developed by F-ONE.
More comfortable with advanced ergonomics, it is completely recessed and makes it easier to carry the SUP. The new handle helps a lot to grab the boards easily when lying flat on the ground or on the water.

The SMART HANDLE includes the following features :

1 - Decompression valve
2 - Multifunction tool compartment
3 - Recessed volume
4 - Screwdriver head
5 - Allen key

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