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Matira 10'0’’ Light weight

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Matira 10'0’’ Light weight

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

305 cms / 10'0"
81.3 cms / 32"
14 cms / 5.5"
9.4 kg / 21 lbs
260 ltr / 68.7 gal
Perfect to enjoy the whole world of Stand Up Paddling in a simple and convenient way, the MATIRA inflatable boards will offer you all the versatility and performances that you will need.

The 2016 MATIRA inflatable Stand Up Paddle range is made of 12 models in order to offer you a product perfectly tailored to your practice, size, level and needs for maximum enjoyment on the water. Once packed up in their bag, they can be very easily transported and can be stored in minimum space.

All shapes have been designed to make the boards perform in their category, be it wave (curvy outline, refined rocker line), race (straight rocker line suited to inflatable technology, thickness / width ratio optimized for comfort, speed and stability) or touring and cruising (stability, comfort, accessibility and versatility).

The LIGHTWEIGHT SERIES MATIRA with their central reinforcement strip are lighter and will be even easier to carry around. They will also be more maneuverable in waves and faster on the water. Their light weight makes it easier to gain speed while paddling, they are particularly recommended for the lighter riders.

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