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Noosa LongBoard SUP 9'0"

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Noosa LongBoard SUP 9'0"

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

274 cms / 9'0"
73 cms / 28.8"
8.6 kg / 19 lbs
116 ltr / 30.6 gal
Stand Up Paddling Longboard style:

For the last few years the trend has been shifting towards riding shorter and shorter boards which have got wider to maintain both volume and stability. But is this the only trend to follow?

Surfing offers such a diversity of shapes so why not adopt the longboard style for SUP boards? Not only is this the original shape which inspired the first and early SUP boards, but it also offers some noticeable advantages.

Length offers both speed and glide, especially when combined to a narrower width, and this greatly improves the take-off. The moderate beam also ensures the board is easy to set on the rail, providing a nice acceleration once on the wave.

The rocker of the board has received a lot of attention to make sure the board glides well using her bottom but also remains maneuverable when it’s being steered from the back when surfing. The NOOSA is particularly impressive in its maneuverability and ease of use when you consider its actual length.

The surprising aspect of this shape is that it will let you surf small waves thanks to its genuine speed, but also some larger ones since you can dig the rail and stay in complete control. Take-off on larger waves is also made easier by its paddling speed.

This board has a great gliding feel and will let you perform some nose tricks with its timeless longboard look.



Delivered with : CENTRO 7''


The BAMBOO DECK construction has been proven for many years of production and offer a weight to resistance ratio with great reliability. The deck features a layer of bamboo to provide a tough impact and crushing resistance while the many layers of reinforcement on the bottom ensures solid strength.

Featured on all the 2016 SUP range:

The innovative and multifunction handle developed by F-ONE.
More comfortable with advanced ergonomics, it is completely recessed and makes it easier to carry the SUP. The new handle helps a lot to grab the boards easily when lying flat on the ground or on the water.

The SMART HANDLE includes the following features :

1 - Decompression valve
2 - Multifunction tool compartment
3 - Recessed volume
4 - Screwdriver head
5 - Allen key

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