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Fly Air Premium Allround 10’6”

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Fly Air Premium Allround 10’6” - _fly-air-premium-1374405691
Fly Air Premium Allround 10’6” - _flyairpremium-1374405691
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Fly Air Premium Allround 10’6” - 13034_pumpflyair-1374405878

Short Facts


Rabach 1

Phone: +49 89 66655-222

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

320 cms / 10'6"
86.4 cms / 34"
10 cms / 3.9"
210 ltr / 55.5 gal
Got small waves? It’s time to blow up. The Fly Air offers real surf action for any rider. Inspired by our outstanding Fly range of traditional SUP boards, the Fly Air features a stretched longboard-style outline combined with plenty of volume. This translates into plenty of easy glide, yet enough width to offer a truly stable ride. With a width of 31” for the Fly Air 9’0”, evolving up to 34” inches of width for the new Fly Air 10’8”, this is a board that can go toe-toe with any board on the market in terms of stability.

Whether it’s catching waves or exploring flat water, there is a Fly Air that’s a perfect fit for you. The smaller sizes have customizable fin options to help you rip up swell or simply improve maneuverability. For 2014, we’ll also introduce two new sizes – the 10’8” Fly Air, with 245 liters of volume to guarantee stability for even the most novice paddler, and the 10’0” Fly Air to bridge the gap between 9’0” and 10’6”.

The Fly Air is available in both single-wall Stringer construction and Premium Edition Double-Layer technology. Indestructible, light and forgiving – The Fly Air is the ultimate inflatable Funboard.
Key Features Fly Air Premium
• Full double layer technology from world´s most renowned manufacturer
• Unmatched air pressure/stiffness due to quality materials and manufacturing process
• Four sizes to choose from to suit any riders needs and weights
• Full deck and base printing for outstanding optic, unmatched in industry
• Glued side fins/removable centre fin with zero tools needed
• Windsurfing option included on 10’8” size
• Quality footpad and handle, towing eyelets
• Integrated deck net supplied for storage on deck
• Top quality bag for storage and transport, paddle shoulder straps, inner storage pockets
• Industry standard Bravo HP (High Pressure) pump for top quality

Special ergonomic backpack with padded shoulder straps, backside protection and special separate compartments for pump as well as fins and tools. Side compartment for paddle storage (3-pcs.)

Simply put, this is the best technology available in the market. The highly durable 2nd layer material allows the boards to be inflated to an air pressure of more than 20 PSI – without compromising any materials. A stiff, responsive, high-performance ride that does what you want.

The material used for the Fly Air is a durable Tarpaulin PVC. On the inside of the Fly Air thousands of nylon threads connect the deck with the bottom of the board to keep it in a functional and performing shape.

Technology- Double Layer

Fittings:1xFly Air 15.25 cm /
2xFly Air 10 cm

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