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Donsa - boats_1676-1
Donsa - boats_1676-2
Donsa - boats_1676-3
Donsa - 1941_SNAG0663_1279534858

Short Facts


12 Shochet Street
South Africa

Phone: +27 56-817-2951

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

353 cms / 11'7"
60 cms / 23.6"
14 kg / 31 lbs
Minimum Paddler Weight
50 kg / 110 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
90 kg / 198 lbs
The Donsa is a plastic slalom kayak that delivers high performance in an affordable, almost indestructible package.

The Donsa complies with full ICF regulations and can be used in ICF sanctioned slalom competitions.

The Donsa's heavier weight means that you won't take it to the Olympics, but the tough construction makes it perfect for beginner to intermediate slalom kayakers and slalom clubs. Experienced slalom kayakers who want to spare their more expensive composite craft from abuse when training on rocky slalom courses will find the Donsa a happy alternative.

The Donsa is not just a kayak for slalom paddlers though. Kayakers who are not interested in slalom competition but who like a fast kayak for downriver play, or who just want to experiment with new lines in rapids or experience a different way of running rapids, can make good use of the Donsa's agility. It is a perfect kayak for practicing attainments.

User reviews

1 reviews

Overall rating 
5.0  (1)
5.0  (1)
4.0  (1)
Value / Money 
5.0  (1)
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Overall rating 
Value / Money 

Good Boat.


About Me
This review is about using the Donsa as a downriver boat.

First off, I am not a slalom boater nor am I an amazing boater. My go-to boat is a Jackson Hero and I use a WaveSport EZG for play. I mostly paddle class III because that's what is nearby.
Pros / The Good
Frankly the Donsa feels a like a giant, flat RPM. Going straight downriver in it through wave-trains etc., isn't all that interesting - it just punches straight through everything. But turn the boat upriver, WOW! Jet ferries are incredible. The Donsa accelerates like crazy across the face of waves. Pivot turns and stern squirts are simple and fun, just like you would expect from a slalom boat. Popping in and out of eddies is a hoot. For local runs that are getting just a little bit boring, the Donsa makes them just that little bit more exciting. Plus it's plastic - if I hit something it is not a big deal like it would be with a carbon fiber slalom boat.
Cons / The Bad
Using the Donsa downriver took some getting used to. At 11'6" it is long and tail is always a couple of inches underwater so to get it to turn quickly I have begun to learn and employ a bit of slalom technique (which has improved my paddling overall).

The outfitting is minimal to say the least. I am 5'11", 175lbs and I have plenty of room and am comfortable once I am in the boat, but the keyhole feels small and getting in the boat takes some squirming. I did add a Jackson backband to mine (I know, I know, slalom boats aren't supposed to have backbands but then again, slalom races are only 2-3 minutes long and my back just couldn't take an hour without some more support).
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