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Odyssey 385

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Odyssey 385 - 5663_INFINITYOdyssey385view_1272031051
Odyssey 385 - 5663_INFINITYOdyssey385side_1272031051
Odyssey 385 - 5663_INFINITYOdyssey385top_1272031052

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
GBP 479.95

Stats (Metric)

385 cms / 12'7.6"
90 cms / 35.4"
22 kg / 49 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
250 kg / 551 lbs
Infinity Inflatables Odyssey 385 kayak.
The Odyssey 385 is longer and more spacious. It will seat upto three adults, ideal for taking the whole family out on a paddling adventure.It has a large cockpit with a spray visor and two easy to adjust seats. It can be set up with one seat for solo paddling as well as two seat for tandem paddling fun. It features fore and aft spray visors, under deck rear storage with cargo net, grab handles at front, rear and side, paddle parks and carry bag. It also come complete with a foot pump. The Odyssey is ideal for rivers, lakes, canals and sheltered water paddling.

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