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Team Label TL 7'11"

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Team Label TL 7'11" - _image-5-1345543423
Team Label TL 7'11" - _image-8-1345543423
Team Label TL 7'11" - _image-6-1345543423
Team Label TL 7'11" - _image-7-1345543423

Short Facts


24382 Del Prado
Dana Point
CA 92629

Phone: +1 949 661 6699

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
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Stats (Metric)

241 cms / 7'11"
68.6 cms / 27"
9.5 cms / 3.8"
88 ltr / 23.2 gal
The "TL" Team Label was designed and approved by our Infinity team. Dave Boehne, Slater Trout, CD Kinley, Jason Kenworthy, Kasey Curtis and Anthony Vela have tested this board worldwide in every and all conditions. This is our staple performance SUP surf board. Different from the original carver, this one has a narrower outline and even thinner foil. We still maintain the flat "speed" section between the feet for drive and blend in to Vee positioned in the sweet spot of the rocker. Match that with a specific fin placement and curvey rocker, it makes up a very fast, and responsive SUP under your feet.

5 fin option comes standard for even more versatility. The team prefers this board set up as a quad.

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