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Aerius Classic II 520

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Aerius Classic II 520 - 7017_smartalu_1275153354
Aerius Classic II 520 - 7017_zf_1275153354

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 3390

Stats (Metric)

520 cms / 17'0.7"
87 cms / 34.3"
32 kg / 71 lbs
600 ltr / 158.5 gal
Aerius Classic II 520

Packing dimensions - 52 x 14 x 10 ins (133/35/25 cm), 29 x 28 x 10 ins (75/70/25 cm)
Frame - white-Ash and several times compounded wood of birch, 3 times deep-painted, salt water resistant, with anodized aluminium fittings, reaching ages of over 40 years
Skin - 100% Cotton and triple coated Hypalon, durable and resistable in all conditions (like arctic cold or tropical heat), existancy over 20 years (regular cleaning und careful handling provided)
Assembly - abt. 12 minutes
Equipment - hull gray with 2 air sponsons, wooden frame blond, length adjustable seat, fittings for single use, backrest, carriing gag, lifeline,
set of two packing bags

Keelstrips 2 x 2.4 in, 1 x 10 in, spraycover, tarpaulin, ground protection mat, rudder, height adjustable seats or comfort seats, sail gear,
third packing bag.

Guarantee - 5 years

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