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Kayak MK-1205

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Kayak MK-1205 - _mk-1205-blue-l-1327514573
Kayak MK-1205 - _mk-1205-red-l-1327514573
Kayak MK-1205 - _3-1327514574

Short Facts


1819 Central Ave. S, Unit #33
WA 98032

Phone: +1 888-727-0166

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
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Available Colors
Available In Blue And Red
Maxxon is proud to introduce to you our newest addition to our inflatable product line for 2010.

The design team at Maxxon has developed a two person self bailing kayak, as well as a two person "convertible" self-bailing/non self-bailing kayak. These kayaks are made with the same integrity and craftsmanship as expected from Maxxon. After thousands of hours spent by our own research and development team, as well as numerous "sea trials" performed by some of the leading white water guides and outfitters, Maxxon is finally able to bring these rugged and durable watercrafts to you. As in all of our Maxxon inflatables we use 1,100 Denier 32 oz. PVC fabric. The undersides of the kayaks are all triple reinforced to 3,300 Denier 36 oz. PVC material. All Maxxon products are built by hand and use only the finest materials and craftsmanship during fabrication.

The kayaks are packaged with all you need for an exhilarating adventure.

Standard Features:
Two adjustable deluxe seats
Boat storage bag. (boat easily fits in virtually any car trunk)
Quick inflate "Bellows" foot pump.
Kayak paddles.
Repair kit.
Available in Self-Bailing or "Convertible" Self-Bailing/Non Self-Bailing

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