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Bullitt - 7415_NewIC006a_1276354586
Bullitt - 7415_NewIC315a_1276354586
Bullitt - 7415_NewIC009a_1276354586
Bullitt - 7415_NewIC074_1276354586
Bullitt - 7415_NewIC133a_1276354586
Bullitt - 7415_NewIC362a_1276354586
Bullitt - 7415_NewIC308a_1276354586
Bullitt - 7415_NewIC368a_1276354586

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
This new model has a lot to live up to but we think that the new IC boat, which has had input from the worlds top paddlers, will continue the “Jester” success.
The launch of any new boat is always a big event for us but a new International Class boat is a bit special as its very much back to our roots.

Its how Mega came into being with the 1st Jester back in 1991. Since that time “Jesters” have figured in the vast majority of medal placings at all World Championship events.

It is over 6 years since the last Jester, the “Jester Trident” was launched during which time it has gained a great following with Darren Bason taking the World title in Costa Rica in 2005. This new model has a lot to live up to but we think that the new IC boat, which has had input from the worlds top paddlers, will continue the “Jester” success.

Features that we have introduced in the HP models, adjustable seats, thigh braces etc. are incorporated in the new model allowing paddlers to set the boat up to the correct trim and comfort as well performance has been a primary aim. We think both recreational paddlers as well as the top International stars will revel in the performance.

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