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Romany Surf

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Romany Surf - 8040_1_1279039910
Romany Surf - 8040_2_1279039910

Short Facts

Nigel Dennis


Phone: +44 (0)1407 762425 or 765550

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

492 cms / 16'1.7"
55 cms / 21.7"
34 cms / 13.4"
314 ltr / 83 gal
A responsive kayak that surfs well for the medium to large sized paddler. The hull design offers high stability and the shaped foredeck allows for large feet up to size 11/12 (Europe 46,5). Designed for rough water and ease of handling in conditions. The kayak has a wider keyhole cockpit than any other British made fibreglass sea kayak and has more volume in the rear compartments than the Romany Classic.

The kayak is fitted with the High performance glass seat, unless otherwise requested, and offers extra leg room due to a raised arearaised area either side of the cockpit. The seat can be set higher for a smaller paddler and the raised area in the front deck can be padded if needed. The kayak has a low rear deck for easy rolling, a keyhole cockpit that gives excellent grip, control and allows quick exit if need be. The sloping bulkhead behind the seat allows the kayak to be emptied by lifting only the bow, no x-rescue is necessary.

A day/weekend kayak for the large paddler
Front hatch volume: 64 liters, cockpit volume: 165 liters, day hatch volume: 42 liters, rear hatch volume: 43 liters.

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