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Synergy - 10265_synergyzm_1290263688

Short Facts


8547 152nd Ave NE
WA 98052

Phone: +1 425-883-0333

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 3,395

Stats (Metric)

525 cms / 17'2.5"
57.8 cms / 22.8"
20.4 kg / 45 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
181.4 kg / 400 lbs
Sleek deck and hull design compliments the high performance of the Synergy line. The recessed deck fittings, flush bow and stern hatches, a handy day hatch and RORS rudder system all contribute to the aesthetically pleasing lines. The Synergy’s are for an intermediate to advanced paddler looking for performance and style. The adventure can be a day, weekend or extended tour. With three volume cuts there is a size for you. Slip one on.

• Performance design with expertly balanced stability, hull speed and maneuverability
• Ideal for paddlers between 120-200 pounds
• Extremely fast and responsive
• Greenland Style upswept bow and stern with ample rocker, hard chines and flared sides give high secondary stailiyt
• Northwest Kayaks RORS Rudder System
• Kajak Sport Hatch System enhancd with flush fiberglass covers
• Day hatch
• Front and rear bulkheads
• Compass mount, recessed deck fittings
• Bow and stern U-bolts, and ergonomic carrying handles
• Recessed deck fittings with perimeter safety lines
• Northwest Kayaks recessed paddle park systems

• Length with Rudder: 17'8"

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