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Prospector 18' Royalex

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Prospector 18' Royalex - 7216_pros171_1275576859
Prospector 18' Royalex - 7216_P17walker_1275576861
Prospector 18' Royalex - 7216_Pros176_1275576860
Prospector 18' Royalex - 7216_pros172_1275576860
Prospector 18' Royalex - 7216_Pros1710_1275576860
Prospector 18' Royalex - 7216_pros173_1275576860
Prospector 18' Royalex - 7216_P17Macdonaldjpg_1275576861
Prospector 18' Royalex - 7216_pros174_1275576860

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

549 cms / 18'0"
91.4 cms / 36"
38.1 kg / 84 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
635 kg / 1400 lbs
The cargo capacity of the Prospector 18 model can only be described as massive. The Prospector lines produce a canoe that feels deceptively light and responsive, but there's tons of space to pack in a load of supplies for any expedition with room left over to toss in the kitchen sink.

The P18 is a big boat with straighter tracking than our shorter Prospectors. It's perfect for the wilderness traveler intent on expedition style adventures or a large family wanting to travel in one canoe.

Shallow arch
Moderate rocker

Center - 15"
Bow - 23"

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