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11'0" Big EZ

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11'0" Big EZ - _10_1312206736
11'0" Big EZ - _02_1312206738
11'0" Big EZ - _01_1312206737
11'0" Big EZ - _03_1312206740
11'0" Big EZ - _04_1312206737
11'0" Big EZ - _11_1312206736
11'0" Big EZ - _07_1312206737
11'0" Big EZ - _12_1312206736

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Available Colors
Yellow, White, Pink, Blue

Stats (Metric)

335 cms / 10'12"
81.3 cms / 32"
12.7 cms / 5"
The Pau Hana Surf Supply 11'0" Big EZ Stand UP Paddleboard is THICK and BUOYANT. This board was made to float. Its dimensions measure 11'0" X 32" X 5" thick. Made from an EPS core and epoxy resin, the board is lighter, stronger, and more ding resistant than a regular polyurethane board.

The Fit: (Who is this board right for?)
The 11'0" PB Party Barge was made for two or more riders. Think of it as a stand up tandem paddle board or simply a THICK board that'll float absolutely ANYBODY. This board was designed to stay on top of the water regardless of the weight of the rider. Its great for cruising downstream on flat water, performing tandem poses in medium surf, or nose riding.

Performance Characteristics:
The round nose, full rails, and flat bottom keep the board buoyant. The extra width, 32", helps with lateral stability and resists tilting over. The Big EZ glides easily on a forward stroke and turns naturally when stepping on the tail or pivoting.

Exercise Benefits:
Stand Up paddle boards, SUPs, are exploding in popularity. Regular SUP riders have noticed weight loss, fat burning, and increased muscle tone. Paddling in the off season helps to develop a strong core, which heightens balance and improves surfing skills.

Standard: 10" single fin box and two futures side bites
Standard: deck mounted center handle for easy carry
Standard color: white with pro finish ( a flat shine )
Optional custom colors: red or yellow cutlap with pin line with gloss and polish, full board iridescence pink with gloss and polish, or white with deck pin line gloss and polish
Optional EVA deck pad

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