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Arrow - 6022_SNAG0341_1273173342
Arrow - 6022_DSC01623edited1_1273173343
Arrow - 6022_DSC01618_1273173344
Arrow - 6022_DSC01738_1273173343
Arrow - 6022_IMG2732_1273173344
Arrow - 6022_DSC01728_1273173343

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

450 cms / 14'9"
50.8 cms / 20"
33 cms / 13"
14.1 kg / 31 lbs
Cockpit Length
76.2 cms / 30"
Cockpit Width
40.6 cms / 16"
Minimum Paddler Weight
45.4 kg / 100 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
99.8 kg / 220 lbs
The Arrow is our speciality kayak. A kayak meant for fitness, it's designed to be no-frills, fast, light, and responsive. The Arrow is ideal for individuals who view kayaking as a sport for staying in shape, not a luxury sport. The long waterline makes her fast and swift, and the lightness (only 31 lbs) makes her a joy to put on the roof-rack.

Having no rudder or skeg, the Arrow is designed to be a do-it-yourself type boat. Shes meant for paddling for a few hours at a time, and packing light....if anything at all that is. Take her out to quickly get a great workout in an hour or so. Practice your turning, rolling, or speed.

All composite materials give the Arrow her light weight. A little bit of rigging on the front deck is all you get to put your jacket in when things start warming up.

If your looking for a great no-frills workout machine, the Arrow is for you...

Cockpit Area: With thigh braces, comfort seating, and backrest the Arrow makes you feel like your part of the boat.

Rigging: Being a no-frills boat, the Arrow only has rigging on the forward deck for storing maps/jackets etc.

The Arrow's soft chine makes it effortless to turn, and provides for great bracing practice.

Comes standard with backrest, rigging, thigh braces, and foot-pedals.

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