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Crunch Rocket

5.0 (1)
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Crunch Rocket - boats_1096-3

Short Facts

Point 65


Phone: +46 8 663 01 06

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Johan Wirsén

Stats (Metric)

495 cms / 16'2.9"
55 cms / 21.7"
25 kg / 55 lbs
380 ltr / 100.4 gal
Cockpit Length
78 cms / 30.7"
Cockpit Width
41 cms / 16.1"
A rotomolded kayak that is solid, fast and fun.

When we started the Crunch design project a few years ago, our goal was to create the fastest rotomolded kayak on the market. A kayak that is as fun to paddle as our composite models, but with the ability to handle tremendous abuse and virtually maintenance free ownership.

Crunch Rocket is faster than most other models in it's segment which has been proven in marathons during 2005. The UK Paddles Magazine wrote:"The surprise of the test was just how fast the Crunch could sprint. 11.3km/hr is faster than many composite boats."

The cockpit is of a key-hole design to suit all types of paddlers and is fitted with the new, ergonomically improved seat which provides better leg support for the more extensive trips that this model is designed for, as well as providing the contact needed when simply playing in rough waters and surf.

The design is based on the same principles as it's larger sister, the X-Ray: low deck, sleek lines with a shallow V-shaped hull, which gives it a quick and lively feel in rough weather and minimizes yaw even when fitted without a rudder. The well-defined chines allow for easier turning and a strong sense of stability when leaned over on its side.

The rugged 3-layer polyethylene construction provides a combination of strength, stiffness and impact resistance that other materials simply can't match. The Crunch is a perfect choice for paddlers who don't want to worry about maintaining a high, glossy finish but simply want to get into the kayak and start having fun.

The Crunch is fully equipped with day hatch as well as bow and aft compartments. The recessed deck fittings accommodate a very clean deck rigging system with full perimeter deck lines and ergonomically designed carrying handles. It is available with the excellent retractable Navigator rudder from KajakSport and Smart Track rudder control system that allows for comfortable support, as well as strong steering efficiency.

User reviews

1 reviews

Overall rating 
5.0  (1)
5.0  (1)
5.0  (1)
Value / Money 
5.0  (1)
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(Updated: July 20, 2009)
Overall rating 
Value / Money 

Fast and agile

About the reviewer

I'm between beginner and intermediate levels, closer to beginner. Started kayaking in the '90-s, it became more regular about five years ago and paddled more or less weekly in the last two years.

I have experiences mainly on inland waters. I paddled once the Mediterranean sea and once the Aegean. That was fun. O:-)

Test environment

Several times on rivers in Hungary.


Storage room is not as big as for bigger kayaks (like for Kodiak), but plenty enough for my old tent and all stuffs for a week or two.

Hatches are closing correctly.

The back rest is a belt, what is best for me. For others it might be a weak point.
Primary stability is a bit low, but I think it's pro, not contra. Fast, well edging capability, easy to roll. On calm water the rudder is not necessary but very usefull in tough conditions.


Nice and fast kayak for smaller or medium sized paddlers.


About Me
Location: HU
Age: 39
Weight: 75 kgs
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