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Puffin - 9634_TN1Puffinangle_1287418671
Puffin - 9634_TN2Puffintop_1287418671
Puffin - 9634_TN2Puffinside_1287418671

Short Facts


Robsonstrasse 1

Phone: +49 9921 882190

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

495 cms / 16'2.9"
60 cms / 23.6"
35 cms / 13.8"
25 kg / 55 lbs
380 ltr / 100.4 gal
Cockpit Length
90 cms / 35.4"
Cockpit Width
50 cms / 19.7"
Maximum Total Capacity
140 kg / 309 lbs
A classic touring sea kayak that has proved its self on many expeditions. Outfitted with a big deck cockpit for fast and easy entry and exit. The Puffin is equipped with two bulkheads, securely welded to the hull with a waterproof hatch cover for storage, an ergonomic seat with adjustable thigh braces, backrest and a storage net. A rudder system is also available for better tracking in open waters.

Standard features:
• Super big rear hatch with neoprene seal and plastic cover 14”
• front hatch with an 8” twist lock hatch cover.
• Storage net
• roomy cockpit
• deck rope

• Pro Logic rudder system
• Recessed flip up rudder

User reviews

1 reviews

Overall rating 
2.0  (1)
3.0  (1)
3.0  (1)
Value / Money 
4.0  (1)
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Overall rating 
Value / Money 

The Robson Puffin is an old (and truly tested) beginner kayak with rather big cargo compartments. The latter - and the very dry ride - qualify the boat for expeditions or longer touring. It comes with a very simple rudder system and a lot of primary stability and, despite the shallow U-bottom, turns quite well when put on an edge.

The rear cargo bunker is huge and they copied the Prijon hatch covers (neoprene deck, covered by a plastic top with belts). It's watertight! The front features some sort of "easy open" handle, which is comfy, but not all that waterproof (put the sleeping bag, the tent, the pasta and rice in the back!).

A lot of these boats have been sold to kayak-tour-operators and rental companies, because the hull stable and the wide seat suits a lot of first-timers. Robson has replaced the boat with the new Titris 16 in 2010 (2011?), but I have recently seen NEW Puffins for 600.- Euro on eBay (there seems to be some NOS - new old stock). Again: the puffin is neither fast nor beautiful, but it's worth 600.- € any day and the boat is a true bargain at that price! If you find a new one for that price (or a used one at 400.-) and don't want to break the speed record, you might consider buying the Puffin.


About Me
Mid-40s hobby paddler on whitewater (class III) and on the sea (mainly day-trips), about 120 days per year on the water. 1,96m (6'6") and 115kg (260 lbs) with size 49 (GB 13, US 15) feet
Pros / The Good
- cheap (as in "really cheap")
• stable
• lots of volume
• comes with rudder
• safe feeling when inside
• OK plastic quality
Cons / The Bad
- cheap outfitting
• splashes "over" the waves instead of piercing through
• suffers badly from lateral winds
• not the fastest kayak of it's size
• non-profiled rudder blade
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