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Diamond Kevlar Carbon

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Diamond Kevlar Carbon - _01_1301572084
Diamond Kevlar Carbon - _IMG0221_1301572085
Diamond Kevlar Carbon - _MG96331_1301572086
Diamond Kevlar Carbon - _IMG0953_1301572085
Diamond Kevlar Carbon - _PB221071_1301572087
Diamond Kevlar Carbon - _IMG2801_1301572086
Diamond Kevlar Carbon - _IMG0195_1301572085
Diamond Kevlar Carbon - _IMG3590_1301572086

Short Facts



Phone: +351 233 42 81 64

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

232 cms / 7'7.3"
63 cms / 24.8"
9 kg / 20 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
110 kg / 243 lbs
After a period of improvement and testing, our new "Diamond" it’s finally available! The new RPF Diamond, it's a real jewel for all the big paddlers looking for the best surfkayak, light and stiff, without sacrificing the comfort and inner more torture kayaks for you!!

We tested one of the first “Diamond”, and the feedback has been great…despite the week surf conditions, the speed and ease to respond was an evidence and the extra volume allow to easily to go to the outside…1, 2, 3 and you’re there!! To anyone saying that a High Performance surfkayak has to be uncomfortable to be good, the RPF Diamond it’s here to prove otherwise.

Extra stiff, very fast and allowing diagonal and vertical drops, gracious bottom-turns, hard cut-backs and always wanting to draw ‘S’ lines, this is a “Diamond” you want to have in your jewel box…and when it’s time to carry the gear back to the car, 9Kg do the difference!

• 3x Future fins compatible
• Ergonomic seat
• Ergonomic handles
• Drain plug

• Lateral and lumbar supports
• Seat position adjustments
• Custom made painting
• Customized set of epoxy fins

• Exclusive design by Fozletra Desgin
• Vinyl Sticker, UV resistant
• Impact and abrasion resistance

• Kevlar+Carbon;
• Full PVC;
• Vacuum + Epoxy;

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