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Short Facts

Soul Waterman

7475 LaSalle
QC H4H 1S1

Phone: +1 (514) 647 9989

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Playak Review ID
Recommended Retail Price
USD 1800.00
Available Colors
Cherry Blossom, Funk Russia, Loosey Goosey, Brain Freeze

Stats (Metric)

221 cms / 7'3"
65 cms / 25.6"
240 ltr / 63.4 gal
Cockpit Length
88.9 cms / 35"
Cockpit Width
53.3 cms / 21"
Maximum Total Capacity
95.3 kg / 210 lbs
A little more than a decade ago, an entire class of boat simply disappeared: the playful river runner. These were truly great boats because they bridged that gap between a hard core creek boat, and a play boat. They could run fairly hard rapids, while remaining entertaining and easy to paddle, and muck about in.

The Booster changed how a playful river runner was supposed to handle. With a planing hull, playful handling, but in a format that could run rivers well, the Booster was the choice of instructional center's, beginners paddlers, and even advanced and expert paddlers looking to mix it up. Everyone loved the Booster.

A lot has changed since the original Booster was released. Hulls are faster, looser and more forgiving. Rocker profiles make them more predictable, with a dryer ride, and overall ergonomics leave those sitting in old boats feeling cramped.

The new Booster takes the performance of the original, and puts it squarely on a platform that is comfortable, forgiving, fast and loose, boofs like a charm, is super forgiving in even the most unpredictable waters, but still possible to squirt with good technique, and all without the comparative sluggishness of creek boats.

Whether you're a beginner, looking for something easy and exciting to get into and grow with, or an accomplished paddler that wants something more interesting than a full creek boat without going to a half slice, the Booster has you covered.

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