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Short Facts

Soul Waterman

7475 LaSalle
QC H4H 1S1

Phone: +1 (514) 647 9989

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

298 cms / 9'9.3"
63 cms / 24.8"
18 kg / 40 lbs
240 ltr / 63.4 gal
Cockpit Length
87 cms / 34.3"
Cockpit Width
51 cms / 20.1"
Minimum Paddler Weight
55 kg / 121 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
95 kg / 209 lbs
We are delighted to have had the opportunity to team up with Richard to create his third plastic slalom kayak design. Along with input with athletes such as Scott Shipley (a world cup champion and Olympian), we have created the definitive plastic slalom kayak, focused on bringing the feel and style of a lightweight composite kayak, to everyday paddlers.

“In the 80’s and 90’s we created shorter designs for whitewater slalom development - the Reflex and the Fox. Well into the new millennial it is time to do the same. Don’t ask why, it’s for a love of paddling” - Richard Fox

Richard Fox used to be the most successful slalom paddler of all time with 10 world championship titles over more than a decade. Since retiring and being overtaken by his daughter, he has led successful Olympic programs in Australia, so you might say he knows a thing or two about slalom kayaks, and what it takes to excel.

Rather than adhering dogmatically to ICF design regulations, we focused rather on making a plastic boat that is naturally heavier but stronger, paddle like a composite boat. To this end we have widened the centre, increased centre volume, shortened the length and increased rocker.

We have also taken steps to make this a fantastic BoaterCross racer, adding a removable protective soft padded nose cap to protect paddlers from impacts. This will allow an easier technical transition for slalom racers on artificial courses from their slalom boats to these side by side races of pure excitement as the handling properties are similar.

From recreational club slalom and boatercross racers, to retired olympic slalom paddlers looking for a fun river runner that handles like their race boats, the new Firefox is likely to set the new standard.

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