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Go 9’4” x 28”

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Go 9’4” x 28”

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

284 cms / 9'4"
71.1 cms / 28"
11.4 cms / 4.5"
159 ltr / 42 gal
Minimum Paddler Weight
40 kg / 88 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
75 kg / 165 lbs
This nimble little board is the preferred choice for light riders, it accelerates really fast, feels like a little bullet and has amazing stability relative to its size. And yes, this is a very light board to carry around.

Fin Set-Up : Single

• Fins
Drake 230
ASAP: 9"

• Weight :

Carbon Top Sun : 8.54 kg (Est)
Starlite : 10.53 kg (Est)
Starshot : 9.50 kg (Est)
ASAP : 10.50 kg (Est)
ASAP Tikhine : 10.56 kg (Est)

Bottom Shape - Deep channel throughout

Board Functionality

• Amazing glide is created by the deep wide middle channel which forms a flatter faster bottom middle curve.

• Benchmark stability from the concave catamaran style hull enables one to ride a board 2 inches less wide than normal, increasing the glide.

• Great turnability provided by the wide tail platform which makes it easy to step back.

Available Technologies
The GO Composite range is available in: Starlite, ASAP, Carbon Top SUN, Starshot SUN, Starshot WAVE, Starshot DOT and ASAP Tikhine.

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