Demands for PERFORMANCE, wishes to be floating OVER sections, needing to be able to DRIVE hard off the bottom, a melting pot of bullet points. A thought to attempt what was considered impossible, a realization that it was plausible, a result providing endless supping fun. Welcome the POD (performance overdrive), at 7'4" x 29.5" this is an ultimate high performance SUP that places you in to the pocket & lets you surf out. A board designed to push your ability and has you frothing for more action in performance waves, showing you that supping has no curtain call, it is continuously emerging with new ambitions & this board places you in the front line of evolution..
Mono concave nose section to flat middle with a fair amount of tail V.
Tail Width: 18" /45.7 cm
Stability rating: 1.5
Quad fin system
11.5cm /4.5" Fins in back
12cm /4.7" Fins in front
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POD 7.4
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Short Facts
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Available Colors
Candy, Camo, Blue Touch
Stats (Metric)
226 cms / 7'4.8"
75 cms / 29.5"
10.7 cms / 4.2"
111 ltr / 29.3 gal
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