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Starship Surf 18’6" x 60"

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Starship Surf 18’6" x 60"

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

564 cms / 18'6"
20.3 cms / 8"
The Starship Surf with its curved rocker and high nose kick is the perfect option for those wanting the ultimate wave party.


Length: 18’6"
Width: 60"
Volume : 1250 L
Rider Weight: 900 kg
Fin Set Up: Multiple
Fins -: Center: 8" , Side: 6.75" x 4

Available Technologies

The inflatable Starship range is available in Deluxe technology for the TEAM board and in Zen technology for the Starships FLATWATER, SURF and FAMILY boards.

Fins: Supplied with single US box for Starship Team, Flat Water and Family and a multiple setup for the Starship Surf. Team, Flat Water and Family come with FCS Connect 9'' or Touring 9'' while the Starship Surf comes with a Net Positive black center 8" fin and 4 x 6.75" fins for a five fin setup.

Nature of the board family

• Perfect tool for schools and clubs to create team building, corporate events and parties to engage more people on the water.

• Thicker rails. Boost volume to accomodate multiple riders to paddle together on the same board.

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