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Bark 14 Expedition

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Bark 14 Expedition - _1_1297700463
Bark 14 Expedition - _5_1297700464
Bark 14 Expedition - _2_1297700464
Bark 14 Expedition - _6_1297700464
Bark 14 Expedition - _3_1297700464
Bark 14 Expedition - _4_1297700464

Short Facts


2685 Mat­ti­son Lane
Santa Cruz
CA 95062

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The 14′ Expe­di­tion is the result of over two years of R&D with the help of a qual­i­fied team of remark­able pad­dlers test­ing and refin­ing it’s shape in test sites through­out the US includ­ing Lake Tahoe, Cal­i­for­nia, Coeur d’Alene Idaho, Lake Placid, New York and Long Beach, Cal­i­for­nia. The 14’ Expe­di­tion was spe­cially designed for long dis­tance pad­dling and tour­ing on any body of water you choose. DESIGN:
Built for sta­bil­ity and speed, the out­line of the board fea­tures a nar­row nose and wide point under your feet with a grad­ual curve in the tail. The rocker or bot­tom curve, allows the board to per­form in sheet glass con­di­tions with­out push­ing water or in windy, choppy con­di­tions with­out being “swamped”. The pro­file and thick­ness of the board pro­vide the floata­tion and sta­bil­ity nec­es­sary but doesn’t carry any extra vol­ume and wind age that would allow wind or cross chop to blow or push the pad­dler off course. The Expedition’s flat deck is com­fort­able and makes mov­ing around on it easy for adjust­ing your pad­dling stance. The sin­gle fin holds a good straight course and makes it easy to keep the board under con­trol in a turn or while run­ning on a wind swell. The flat bot­tom com­bined with sleek rail line and rocker is quick to get up to top speed and able to hold that speed and glide between strokes.

The 14’ Expe­di­tion pro­vides a num­ber of options for the tour­ing pad­dler. The bal­anced han­dle placed near the cen­ter of the board makes for easy car­ry­ing to and from the water. In addi­tion, two sets of stain­less steel inserts are located on each rail oppo­site the cen­ter han­dle for added car­ry­ing options if used with the included nylon/neoprene han­dles or can be used with Vel­cro attach­ments to hold the pad­dle while car­ry­ing the board from the cen­ter han­dle. Two sets of inserts are fea­tured toward the front of the board allow­ing for var­i­ous attach­ment options such as han­dles or web­bing to store food, cloth­ing other nec­es­sary items. An addi­tional set of inserts have been pro­vided to accom­mo­date a GPS devise or water bot­tle cage.

The 14’ Expedition’s design along with it’s added fea­tures make this board the ulti­mate Standup Pad­dle tour­ing vessel!

NOSE: 12.375″ 31.433 cm
TAIL: 13.25″ 33.655 cm
FINS: Box Sin­gle 8″ cen­ter

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