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Sport Touring Explorer AST 12'6" x 32"

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Sport Touring Explorer AST 12'6" x 32"

Short Facts


2685 Mat­ti­son Lane
Santa Cruz
CA 95062

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

381 cms / 12'6"
81.3 cms / 32"
20.3 cms / 8"
The all-new Sport Touring AST is the ultimate touring board, built specifically for long excursions. Take it downwind, battle rough chop, or cruise on flatwater, because this SUP can handle it all. The lower-volume nose, displacement hull, and splitting bow help it cut through chop, and the single concave in the standing area helps direct water for superior glide. The slightly recessed deck gives you a lower center of gravity for added stability and maximum efficiency per stroke. AST technology is ultra-strong and durable, making this the perfect board for the adventurer who tends to be a little tougher on their gear.

Boards built in AST construction start with our water-resistant fused-cell core inside pressure heat-molded fiberglass. With wood reinforcement in the standing area, the end result is a board that is light, strong and durable.

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