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Temagami Guide Fusion

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Temagami Guide Fusion - 7869_Temagami21fs_1278424484
Temagami Guide Fusion - 7869_Temagami31fs_1278424484
Temagami Guide Fusion - 7869_Temagami11fs_1278424483

Short Facts


11977 Westar Lane
WA 98233

Phone: +1 (360)757-2300

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
John Winters
Recommended Retail Price
CAD 2595 / USD 2495

Stats (Metric)

533 cms / 17'6"
94 cms / 37"
57.2 cms / 22.5"
24.5 kg / 54 lbs
Minimum Paddler Weight
204.1 kg / 450 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
285.8 kg / 630 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
499 kg / 1100 lbs
Many paddlers - particularly those with small children - do not want to give up performance in exchange for stability and volume. While the Temagami may not have quite the speed of the Winisk, it has enormous stability and room for pets, gear and children. The Temagami performs a multitude of jobs well and will also appeal to those who intersperse a bit of easier Whitewater with their flat water paddling.

Gunwale Width: 37”
Waterline Width: 37”
Bow Rocker: 2.5”
Stern Rocker: 1.5”
Bow Height: 22.5”
Centre Depth: 15”
Stern Height: 20”
Hull Shape: Asymmetrical

Standard Options:
Aluminum Trim
Contour Seats
Sliding Bow Seat
Contour Yoke

Carbon Kevlar Trim:
Guide Fusion 49 lbs
KevlarFusion 41 lbs
CarbonFusion 37 lbs

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