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CoastSpirit PE

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CoastSpirit PE - _image-9-1373654386
CoastSpirit PE - _image-10-1373654386

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Available Colors
Yellow, SkyBlue, Red, Green

Stats (Metric)

503 cms / 16'6"
56 cms / 22"
Cockpit Length
78 cms / 30.7"
Cockpit Width
42 cms / 16.5"
Maximum Total Capacity
135 kg / 298 lbs
The CoastSpirit kayak is from the Spirit series the most advanced one. The kayak is with slightly swedeformed hull with hard chine and a round bottom, which definitely makes it not only the fastest PE kayak in the Tahe Marine range, but even one of the fastest PE kayak on the market. The kayak is good for general touring, day tripping, but also due to the good maneuverability of the hull, it can take also rougher conditions on open sea. The Spirit series is the perfect choice for those, who appreciate a quality product that comes at an affordable price. The Spirit series kayaks come with either a skeg or rudder/skeg combination.
The Spirit series are our go-to boats for the paddler who doesn´t have an armada to choose from. There is always a trade-off between handling, speed, and stability; our designers had balance in mind for these kayaks. The balance changes with the skill level of the paddler. Keeping this in mind, our designers came up with four progressively advanced kayaks.

PE: 26-28 kg (57-62 lbs)

Front: round hatch 24 cm (10”)
Rear: oval hatch 44x26 cm (17”x10¼”)

Retractable skeg
Retractable skeg + rudder

Custom options for the Kayak:
Adjustable thigh braces
Thigh pads

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