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Prospector 15

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Prospector 15 - 5784_prospectorcomp_1272549580

Short Facts

Venture Canoes
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

464 cms / 15'2.7"
91 cms / 35.8"
33 kg / 73 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
370 kg / 816 lbs
The Prospector is probably the most famous of all canoe designs and has never been bettered for all-round performance. We are proud to have this as the basis for one of our most successful canoes.

Combining this classic shape, performance with our new CoreLite material, the result is a hard wearing craft that is ideal for centres and enthusiasts who have paddling whitewater high on their priority list.


Seats - 2
Rocker - Moderate

Standard Fittings:

• Tough P.U Gunwales
• 2 wood webbing or plastic seats
• Tough moulded end deck incorporating carrying handle
• Wooden centre yoke
• Wooden carrying yoke
• Wooden rear thwart

Optional Extras:

• 3rd centre seat
• Wooden kneeling thwart
• Wood cane seats

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