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Orgasmo XXX

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Orgasmo XXX - _ORGASMONEROXXXVERSIONfronte_1315385395

Short Facts


Via A. De Gasperi 29
Casarza Ligure

Phone: +39 185469013

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

255 cms / 8'4.4"
66 cms / 26"
39 cms / 15.4"
21 kg / 46 lbs
315 ltr / 83.2 gal
Cockpit Length
87 cms / 34.3"
Cockpit Width
47 cms / 18.5"
Minimum Paddler Weight
70 kg / 154 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
95 kg / 209 lbs
SITTING in the ORGASMO you wont believe that the boat is 255cm long. Everything is conceived to make you at maximun feeling with the boat. Ergonomic seat, large and deep tight brace, and adjustable backrest will immediatly push into the whitewater world.
STARTING you’ll enjoy its stability, the fast hull and its soft rails and sides. You feel immediatly safe to paddle toward the rapids.

CROSSING the eddie and paddling into the rapids ORGASMO become even more stable, sides helps you in critical situation or mistakes, the bow makes you the best boofer ever and you’ll avoid holes and rock easily.
PUSHING THE LIMIT you’ll find in ORGASMO the best partner for your whitewater adventure. Speed, no-edges shape, make this boat perfect to cross the heaven hell of extreme kayaking. The round bow guarantee you soft landing, but the semi-round centre hull and the rounded sides will help you paddling the best and hardest line.

The Orgasmo XXX is the crosslink version of the Orgasmo and only comes in black.

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