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Song of the Paddle: An Illustrated Guide to Wilderness Camping

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Song of the Paddle: An Illustrated Guide to Wilderness Camping - 51-KS9fJB1L

Book Info

Release Date
January 03, 2004
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The return of a classic paddling guide. More than a how-to camping and paddling guide, Song of the Paddle is a philosophical guide to outdoor living. Written by the acclaimed paddler and outdoorsman, Bill Mason, the book leads readers on a journey of exploration and discovery. Mason writes from an intensely subjective viewpoint and the advice is practical and sound. He emphasizes the difference in perception between camping (rough) and outdoor living (comfort). Each page is packed with hard-won tips and tricks for enjoying the great outdoors. No detail is ignored -- from keeping campfire smoke out of your eyes to ensuring children are safely occupied around the campsite. Chapters include: - Traveling solo, in groups and with family - Campsites, tents and camping gear - Camp fires, fireplaces and stoves - Cooking in the wild - Outdoor clothing options - Packing equipment and food - Survival tips and first aid - Canoes for wilderness tripping - Paddling and portaging skills Mason's personal accounts and details of memorable expeditions are certain to kindle the reader's sense of adventure. Abundantly illustrated by photographs and sketches, novice campers and seasoned paddlers alike will get more out of their outdoor experience thanks to Song of the Paddle.

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