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The Kenai Canoe Trails
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Book Info
Release Date
November 01, 1995
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Trails is the definitive guide to the vast pristine canoeing system of Alaska's Kenai Peninsula. Set aside by Congress as one of on ly two wilderness canoe areas, this is the other Boundary Waters. Every lake and trail is illustrated by aerial photo maps unique to this book and represent the most informative charting yet available of this area. Author Daniel Quick further illustrates the book with outstanding color photographs, personal observations and practical facts -- camp sites, trail lengths, fish species, water profiles (pH, conductivity, alkalinity, hardness). Compiled from over 70 aerial photographs a nd more than 30 years of field notes, this work includes 39 detailed maps and more than 80 color photos. This indispensable field guide is easy to handle in the field and comes with a waterproof laminated cover. Be you casual visitor, an avid paddler, or just an armchair dreamer, you're sure to find this account of the Swanson River and Swan Lake Canoe Trails a most valuable and often reread addition to your adventure library. QUOTE: "The Kenai Canoe Trails is an accurate and informative guide to one of the great canoeing systems and national wilderness treasures of the United States. Mr. Quick has written the definitive work on this pristine area. It is destined to become a classic field guide and planning resource for canoeists, hunters, ice fishermen, Nordic skiers, in fact anyone that travels this system of lakes and trails. I doubt that I will ever enter the area again without having a copy of this book close at hand.
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