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Paddling Eastern North Carolina

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Paddling Eastern North Carolina - 51UvQw-mPWL

Book Info

Release Date
March 15, 2007
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"Paddling Eastern North Carolina" is an expanded and updated second edition guidebook to canoeing and kayaking rivers, creeks, and swamps of eastern North Carolina. From exciting whitewater of the Piedmont foothills to quiet blackwater of the Coastal Plain, the guidebook includes over 3,200 miles of paddling trips on 97 streams. The trips are selected from over three-quarters of North Carolina from the Yadkin-Pee Dee Basin to the coast: Some of these streams are covered by a guidebook for the first time. Each trip includes detailed descriptions, maps, distance, difficulty, width, and gauge information. Also included is information about River Rating Systems, Paddling Safety, Paddlers Rights, Paddling Courtesy, River Camping, River Gauges, Water Quality, River Selection, and Clubs and Organizations.

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