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Fast & Cold, A Guide To Alaska Whitewater

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Fast & Cold, A Guide To Alaska Whitewater - 718G3MQMXSL

Book Info

Release Date
April 01, 1994
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Alaska's whitewater rivers offer kayakers and rafters unforgettable journeys of excitement and beauty. Fast & Cold is a comprehensive guide to seventy-nine of the best, including the five-star Alsek, Charley, Happy, and Kiagna Rivers. Fast & Cold was written by Dr. Andrew Embick, the leading authority on Alaskan whitewater. Embick has personally run sixty-three of the seventy-nine trips described, thirty-two of which were first descents. Embick is an adrenaline junkie, and his first-person accounts are spine chilling. At the same time, he thoroughly addresses the special concerns or running Alaska rivers, offering experienced advice on travel, camping, and safety. For each river, he gives access and flow information, a difficulty rating and description, as well as history. Embick also includes a special section of river stories to whet the reader's appetite for the thrills of Alaska whitewater. Whether you are already familiar with the beautiful and exciting world of Alaska's waterways or you are a Lower 48 floater planning the single best trip of your dreams, Fast & Cold is an indispensable book for your whitewater library.

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