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EXTREME Craft Project - Build a Surf Kayak
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Film Info
Release Date
July 13, 2006
Ralph Beer
Ralph Beer
"Easy Step-by-Step DVDBuild your own lightweight surf kayak and experience the thrill of having the speed to "make the section" that was impossible with your whitewater kayak. Don't let the high cost of a composite surf kayak keep you out of the wave action. Only two weeks to completion!This DVD follows North Carolina designer Ralph Beer from start to finish of the Surfyak II. It shares Ralph's simple techniques to build the hull, cockpit rim, and outfitting a custom fitted seat. In addition to construction details, watch Ralph and his friends shred the waves in the boats "sea trials". SurfYaks feature a simple construction that results in an exceptionally strong, lightweight hull. What looks like a simple wood boat is in reality an advanced composite structure. The only materials you need to purchase are two 1/8" 4 x 8 sheets of luan plywood (commonly called "door skins"), a 10' length of 1x4 pine, epoxy resin, fiberglass cloth, outfitting foam for the seat, glue, and ?" brad nails. Total cost: $100 - $150 depending on how many you build. A well-crafted boat will weigh less than 20 pounds.After watching this boat in action and seeing just how easy it is to build you won't want to miss another wave!If you want an easy to build touring kayak, check out www.touryak.comContact Ralph with any questions at [mail address protected from spambots with javascript] product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media. Amazon.com's standard return policy will apply.
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