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The Ultimate Ride: Steve Fisher in African Rush

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The Ultimate Ride: Steve Fisher in African Rush - 51LDegL22B2L

Film Info

Release Date
June 09, 2009
Erich Lyttle
Steve Fisher
Run Time
60 min.

Film Partners

Steve Fisher: African Rush is a trial of epic beauty, self discovery, and life-threatening adventure. In one amazing journey, kayaking legend Steve Fisher returns to the Zambezi, the world’s most treacherous waterway, raging at the highest levels in a decade, to take on a thrill that many consider a death wish. His path will present many risks; among them, the hazards of traveling through a hotbed of social and political conflict. Spectacular Victoria Falls, one of the seven natural wonders, marks the start of this unforgettable journey and a series of turbulent river rapids that have claimed the lives of countless adventure-seekers. Now, a legend must discover his limit…if he has one.

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