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Ej's Playboating Basics Whitewater Kayaking DVD

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Ej's Playboating Basics Whitewater Kayaking DVD - DVD

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90 minutes of detailed instruction on playboating from the ground up. Twice as much instruction as the 2003 version of EJ?s Playboating, this DVD is worth adding to your library. The videos were filmed on location in Uganda on the White Nile River and in Zambia on the Zambezi River. Whether you want to learn to get vertical in flatwater, spin in a hole, back surf a wave, or do your first loop or cartwheel, this video is for you. Advanced boaters will benefit from the basics program by learning the rules and fundamentals that are needed for a strong foundation of playboating skills that will break through any plateau and allow you to dive deeper into the Advanced moves quickly. There are four main sections to the instruction, each with separate chapters that allow you to get right to the move you are interested in easily. Flatwater moves, hole moves, wave moves, and downriver moves.

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