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Kayak Fishing for BASS

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Kayak Fishing for BASS - 61AS2QTX2KL

Film Info

Release Date
December 31, 2005
Ken Daubert
Ken Daubert
Run Time
90 min.

Film Partners

In this video, Capt. Ken demonstrates the Banjo Minnow, and his homemade custom Frog lures, as well as an array of soft plastic action tail lures buzzed over the surface of weedy, shallow water from a kayak in central Florida lakes. See what happens above & below the water when big lunker bass move into the shallow grass in the spawning season. This video is crammed with incredible footage of underwater bass behavior. On topside, listen to the many species of frogs, eagles, ospreys, kingfishers, limpkins, herons & more sing a "swamp symphony" so beautiful that man made music was banned from this video. Bass fishermen will be amazed at the kayak’s ability to stealthily enter this environment and function as an incredibly efficient and superior bass fishing tool. Kayak fishermen will see what they are missing out on with this fish. Incredible, exciting action & instructional footage.

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