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National Student Rodeo 2011: The Movie!

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National Student Rodeo 2011: The Movie! - _1748491354712398379645778384n_1306747334

Film Info

Release Date
May 22, 2011
Max Bilbow & Adam Webster
Over 1000 British University Students
Kae Sun, The Syndicate, Frank Turner, The Jane Bradfords, No Change, Mike D, The Rough Cutz, Senseless, Ugly Duckling
Run Time
26 Minutes
Deleted scenes and other paraphernalia will be uploaded to the NSR 2011 Vimeo channel:

Film Partners

Many events sponsors
Media Partner(s)
Leeds University Union Canoe Club
In March 2011, over 1000 students descended upon Holme Pierrepoint, Nottingham for the annual National Student Rodeo. Carnage did ensue. The National Student Rodeo 2011 movie and all its bonus extras will appear online in full HD.

Stay tuned for the deleted scenes!

Principle cinematography & editing:
Adam Webster & Max Bilbow

Additional cinematography:
Nick Horwood, Martin Linford, Patrick Fuller, Tim Trew & Martin Linford

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