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Paddling the Solo Canoe

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Paddling the Solo Canoe - 51Z8HZ5BbsL

Film Info

Release Date
April 19, 2007
Run Time
58 min.

Film Partners

Your first bicycle wasn't a tandem, was it? Of course not-it was a solo bicycle. Just saying the words "solo bicycle" seems sort of strange. Just as bicycles are primarily solo and tandems are the rare exception, canoes are often considered tandem by default, with the solo canoe filling in around the margins.Despite their relative obscurity, solo canoes are often the perfect craft to fulfill your paddling needs. Instructor and Solo Canoe Evangelist, Darren Bush, demonstrates that the art of paddling the solo canoe is totally available to anyone willing to invest a few hours learning basic concepts and strokes. A solo canoeist for over twenty years, Darren has taught literally hundreds of people how to paddle both canoes and kayaks. His greatest passion is teaching beginners the joy of "goin' solo".-Features solo canoes from Wenonah Canoes. -Running time is approx. 58 minutes. -Shot in widescreen 16:9 format. -A high definition version is in the works as well. - Vol.II - Advanced paddling techniques for solo canoeing is coming this fall. - Additional content is in the works, please check our website, as well as the podcast section of iTunes for more solo canoeing content.This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

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