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This is the Sea: The First Ever Extreme Sea Kayaking Film

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This is the Sea: The First Ever Extreme Sea Kayaking Film - 414PQFCG4XL

Film Info

Run Time
60 min.

Film Partners

Cackle TV Productions brings you sea kayaking at its most exciting! Thrilling footage taken in big surf and roaring tidal races lets you feel you are in the boat with expert paddlers. Watch their eyes bulge and hear them scream in excitement as they meet the challenge of big water! Hear personal insights from the world's top sea paddlers including expedition paddler Chris Duff, Greenland Kayak Champion Malligiaq Padilla, and world leaders Nigel Foster and Nigel Dennis. Locations are as far afield as California, Georgia, Florida, Washington, Greenland, Wales and Russia.

See footage from daring and difficult sea kayaking expeditions, including a 650 kilometre journey along the eastern coast of Russia with a novice paddler. The team encounter 6 foot surf, brown bears in their campsite and are arrested by Russian soldiers.

Justine Curgenven, award winning adventure videographer, has had footage aired on BBC, Sky and National Geographic. She shoots her footage directly from her own kayak, following paddlers through crashing surf, exciting tidal races, and fascinating sea caves and arches. You can't get any closer to the action without actually being there yourself!

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