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UpTime: A Waveski Video

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UpTime: A Waveski Video - DVD

Film Info

Release Date
October 16, 2008
Fletcher Burton/Vincent Shay
Run Time
60 min.

Film Partners

A video that highlights some of the best waveskiers in the World doing what they do best! Getting some UP TIME.Starring:Dave Dinning, Travis Best, Julien Billard, Craig Seale, jp Willaume, Darren Kearns, Justin Parry, Julien Ladderriere, Renan Leloure, Karl Markwald, Blair Moore, Tyler Lausten, Sylvain Longuet, Dave Mitchell, Paul ODonnel, Mathieu Barbarit, Caroline Angibaud, Brett Cronin, Neil Dekker, Grant Kendricks, Fletcher Burton, Vincent ThepautFilmed on location at the 2003 World Waveski Championships in Guadaloupe Island & Florianapolis, Brazil at the 2004 World Waveski Championships. With commentary from Gerry Lopez (Mr. Pipeline) and Pro surfers Shane Dorian and Benji Weatherly.This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

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