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Velino Semi Suit Micropore 320

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Velino Semi Suit Micropore 320 - 6118_32553d_1273518267

Gear Info

Gear Type
Model Year
Micropore 320
Available Colors
Available Sizes
Recommended Retail Price
EUR 699.90
Comfortable seakayak and touring semi suit

# First BREATH CONTROL ventilation system for Semi + Dry Suits!
# Two zippers within the breast pockets obtain a high flow change and provide a pleasant inner climate.
# The EASY ENTRY- seat zipper allows a convinient and fast get in and out, synchronus it can be used as relief zipper
# Inner neoprene collar
# Rollable hood with face-size adjustment system
# Double waist
# Outer, bright neoprene waist for tight spray deck closure
# Doubled Neoprene / Latex cuffs
# Spray Protect pocket on upper arm with key clip
# Two breast pockets with inner laying ventilation zippers
# Spray protect side pocket on right thigh
# Breathable nylon socks in 3 layer material
# Very soft and solid 3 layer material, low-noise and comfortable wearing

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