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Egret Bent Shaft

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Egret Bent Shaft - _item-full-egret-bent-shaft-paddle-1360826638
Egret Bent Shaft - _item-full-egret-bent-shaft-paddle-profile-1360826638
Egret Bent Shaft - _item-full-egret-bent-shaft-paddle-blade-1360826638

Paddle Info

Paddle Environment
  • Lakes
  • Oceans
  • Rivers
Paddle Type(s)
Model Year
Recommended Retail Price
USD 149.99
Available Feathers°
624 grams / 22 oz
Shaft Material(s)
Blade Material(s)
  • Dynel
  • Fiberglass
Available Shaft Type(s)
Straight And Neutral Bent
The Sawyer Bent Shaft Egret Canoe Paddle is a beautiful performer rendered in light Western Red Cedar. The shaft is angled to add power to your stroke while reducing stress in your joints and muscles. The molded blade is strengthened with fiberglass reinforcement and tough Dynel edge and tip protection. Tough, stunning and simply a joy to paddle.

15° bent shaft canoe paddle
Laminated Western Red Cedar and Doug Fir shaft and blade
Fiberglass reinforced molded blade
Full-rim Dynel ToughEdge
Curled Palm grip

Available lengths: 48" 50" 52" 54" and 56"
Blade dimensions: 8.75" W x 20" L

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