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Kids Tales

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Kids Tales - _item-full-kids-tales-beaver-blade-1360652142
Kids Tales - _item-full-kids-tales-dragonfly-blade-1360652142
Kids Tales - _item-full-kids-tales-fish-blade-1360652142

Paddle Info

Paddle Environment
  • Lakes
  • Oceans
  • Rivers
Paddle Type(s)
Model Year
Recommended Retail Price
38" Length USD 39.99
46" Length USD 42.99
Available Feathers°
Available Lengths
96.52cms And 116.84cms
510 grams / 18 oz
Shaft Material(s)
  • Fiberglass
  • Wood
Blade Material(s)
  • Fiberglass
  • Wood
Available Shaft Type(s)
Everyone loves these new Kids Tales canoe paddles. Features a log for keeping a record of your child's first canoe journeys and what they saw along the way. As they outgrow these high performance paddles they become a perfect memento that documents their beginnings as a paddler, naturalist, and fisherman in style. Available in four unique and charming designs: Beaver, Dragonfly, Fish and Otter. Perfect starter paddle for kids age 2 to 10 years old.

7° slightly bent shaft
Oval Douglas Fir shaft
Modern blade shape in fiberglass reinforced Ponderosa Pine
Adventure Log on front

4 Power Face designs:
Universal T-Grip

Available lengths: 38" and 46"
Blade dimensions: 7" W x 15" L
Average paddle weight: 16 - 18oz

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