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Elie Kayaks

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Elie Kayaks - 8384_SNAG0682_1280892502
Elie Kayaks - 8384_imghistoriqueFinal_1280892807

Brand Info

Core Products
Parent Company
Pelican International Inc.


+1 450 664-1222


1000 Place Paul-Kane
City / Town
ZIP / Postal Code
H7C 2T2
We have been passionately involved in the outdoor Industry since 1975, first taking over our father’s company and now launching Elie Paddlesports. With Elie, we bring over 40 years of expertise to the table. We offer you our family-owned entrepreneurial spirit, in-depth innovation and passion for perfection. When it came time to choose a name for a high performance recreational kayak line, it was only fitting to give it our family name: Elie.

First introduced in 2007, Elie offers fully featured kayaks at a price that won’t empty your wallet. If you want to get started with a boat you can grow into, or if you are a paddler wanting to move up to a more full-featured, capable craft without spending a fortune, Elie kayaks are perfect for you.

Every Elie kayak reflects our company’s beliefs and values: the customer comes first, attention to detail, integrity, efficiency and teamwork. We guarantee you will be satisfied!

Elie kayaks are found exclusively at select outdoor retailers.

Paddle one of our boats and you will see why we are proud to call it family!

See you on the water!

Antoine & Christian Elie


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