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Water Level: DE, BW, Waldangelbach - Wiesloch-Hilfspegel
Station Path: » Flows » DE, BW » Waldangelbach - Wiesloch-Hilfspegel
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Flow Alerts are alerts per e-mail whenever this meter reaches a level of your choice. Login first to use.
Map and weather
If you know the location of this station, please put it on the kayak world map by clicking here (zoom in on the exact location, double-click on it, and choose the top link to add this station). Once it's on the map, we will also show the local weather conditions and forecast here...
If you want to include your local flows in the Playak Flows Database, please contact Jeroen by using the contact form from the top menu (under Playak). Please send me all relevant details, most important is that I know where I can collect the realtime flows from the Internet.